See these photos? I am blogging about these photos for two reasons today.
Firstly....last week I tried to find them and I couldn't. I can't tell you how upset I was. I had looked in all our back-ups, both the computers, and I just couldn't see them. My little heart was broken because these are, without a doubt, some of my most favouritest mostest special photos of my baby boy that I own. And to think that I had somehow lost them....I was devasted.
But I was sitting at my mums computer last night, and lookee what I find! I screamed when I saw them....I have them back! Never to be lost again. I can't tell you how relieved I am. Photos of your children, especially when they are your most favourist mostest special photos, are so precious!
Secondly {and this is super exciting!!}....the girls over at
Beyond Snapshots reviewed what are, hands down, the worlds sexiest looking camera bags, from
Epiphanie. They are giving one away, and oh be still my beating heart its the red one they chose to bestow on some lucky devil. Boy oh boy do I want to be that lucky devil!!
What we had to do was show off a photo with a red theme...and when I found these photos last night, well....here they are. How could I not use these ones?
And let me tell you this....not only do Epiphanie have the sexiest camera bags ever (I mean, they have the red Lola, the chocolate brown Ginger....just the names of these bags are cool!) but they have the most awesome website ever. I love websites that think outside the square; that have warmth and texture and funky bits and a real vibe. You should head over and check it out, seriously, its worth a look. And while you are surfing the net, for all my clickin' friends you might already know about Beyond Snapshots, but if you haven't discovered yet, get there...now! Rachel and Peta are amazing!